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St. Catherine-St. Lucy School is committed to being a fully personalized learning school. This philosophy is based on meeting children at their individual levels, teaching them to develop a growth mindset, and helping them grow academically at their own pace. Classrooms are structured in flexible arrangements, allowing students to work in small groups with the teacher, collaboratively with peers, or as part of whole group instruction. Adaptive technology is an important component of the personalized learning model and will be used in the classroom setting. The following items are the cornerstones of our personalized learning philosophy:

  • Growth Mindset

    • Student Conferencing

    • Goal-Setting

  • Accountability Sheets

  • Data BindersEd

  • Student Choice

    • Learner Menus

    • Stations Assessments

    • Flexible Seating

  • Tech Tools

The school year is divided into three trimester terms, each approximately 12 weeks in length.


  • Religion

  • English/Language Arts

  • Mathematics

  • Biological, Physical, and Social Sciences

  • Fine Arts

  • Social Studies

  • Physical Education and Health

  • Peacemakers

  • High School Bridge

  • Computer/Technology


Science Class


Our youngest students engage in Science work, for the insights and knowledge gained help strengthen other academic skills. In grades 4-5, students are introduced to engineering design through a program called SparkShop. In junior high, Science class becomes part of the daily rotation of core classes.

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The English/Language Arts curriculum encompasses reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills, with a heavy emphasis on phonics in our younger grades. Students learn through a variety of methods, including on-line tools, projects, practice, literature and informational text. Literacy skills are strengthened through all subject areas, including math, science and social studies.



Our students begin studying Social Studies in their earliest years. The Social Studies curriculum covers family and communities and early civilization through modern history. Students are taught critical thinking skills – making inferences, analyzing information, sequencing events, drawing conclusions. Our 8th Grade students study the United States Constitution and must pass a test on the material to graduate.

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Mathematical concepts are introduced to our youngest students, then reinforced and built upon each year. Problem-solving and critical thinking is fostered in every grade. Students learn through on-line programs, manipulatives, projects, games, along with traditional textbooks. We are currently using the Sadlier textbook series.

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St. Catherine-St. Lucy prides itself on our Christian values, which underlie every facet of our school life. As a Catholic school, we teach Catholic doctrine in all grades. All students also participate in age-appropriate programs on being safe in today’s world. Both Catholic and non-Catholic students take part in religion classes. Students in grades K-8 attend Mass once a week. All families are welcome to attend these services.

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Physical Education classes are required for each child in the school and are held on a weekly basis. In addition to gym class, students up through Grade 7 participate in yoga classes, held once a week. For both classes, students should wear the school gym uniform and gym shoes.

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Music and Art are both part of the school curriculum, with students having classes in each area once a week. Students in Grades 6-8 will also have keyboarding classes. An after school band program is offered to our 7th and 8th graders.



Our youngest students engage in Science work, for the insights and knowledge gained help strengthen other academic skills. In grades 4-5, students are introduced to engineering design through a program called SparkShop. In junior high, Science class becomes part of the daily rotation of core classes.

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Technology is an important resource for learning at St. Catherine-St. Lucy. Classrooms are equipped with interactive whiteboards as well as a set of Chromebooks for student use. We have established ourselves as a 1-to-1 school; there is a Chromebook available for every child in grades K-8. These devices remain at school. There is a separate set of Chromebooks that will go home with students for use during the school year. Computer class is held weekly for students up through Grade 5.



Yoga is practiced on a weekly basis to bring about a sense of calmness and positivity. SCSL's Peacemakers program teaches students to deal with wide-ranging emotions and feelings. A school counselor is available to meet and talk with students (parental permission is required).



The Peacemakers program is unique to St. Catherine-St. Lucy School. Topics including friendship, tolerance, conflict resolution, and dealing with anger, are taught through a mix of literature, discussion and video, based on our core values and Catholic faith.



Course held weekly for students in grades 7-8. Students look at high school options, scholarship opportunities, career choices, and skills and behaviors that will shape their futures. Significant planning time is allotted for our 8th grade families when selecting high schools.



I-Ready is an online assessment and instruction program used in Kindergarten through Grade 8. It is an adaptive tool, designed to target individualized needed skills in both reading and math. Students have a weekly requirement of I-Ready minutes, completed during school time. Diagnostic tests to assess growth are given three times per year.

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